'Stories were meant to be heard.' TM


Ralph Scott
Producer; Loo Wang; Red Beard
​An award-winning producer with a get-it-done (with a smile) attitude, Ralph Scott produces audiobooksaudio theatrescripted entertainment, commercial spots, or pretty much anything within the live or recorded audio arena. The characters Ralph creates on the spot (we lost count just north of 83) are only bested by the number of children’s verses he has written since he was handed a cocktail napkin on a dare back in 1993. (That would be just north of 1,700.) Give him three words and he’ll compose a witty poem for you in under five minutes. Give him a studio and your manuscript and he’ll vibrantly breathe life into any character you craft.

Together with co-narrator Kendra Murray, Ralph turns the studio into a theatre for the ear. Be sure to grab a chair the next time you download a Murray and Scott audiobook production. And dim the lights. And don’t forget the popcorn.

You’ll swear you’re in a movie.