'Stories were meant to be heard.' TM


Jason Lasky 
Mr. Davis; Merc 2
​Jason has been described as a modern-day Magellan and a Renaissance man, perpetually seeking out new recipes for creative fulfillment and expression. Armed with an M.Ed and an MFA, his teaching duties and theatre-making through three continents have apparently led him to you reading this short bio, which he hopes you've enjoyed so far. His sexy, versatile, and cartoonish voice has breathed life into characters as diverse as talking slugs teaching bullies lessons and Alpha werewolves struggling to find their mate, to calmly explaining everything you need to know about living in an RV or why your friend might be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder.

He currently lives in Dilijan, Armenia, with his family and works full-time in his recording studio, which you can learn more about at https://www.JLaskyVoices.com. Or visit: https://www.jasonlasky.com